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HOME International Student Life at CWNU insurance

All international students should apply for the insurance policy during studying in CWNU. Please find more details and check your insurance status regularly.

1) For whom : All International Students

2) A period of insurance: Whole period of studying in CWNU

3) Obligations

International students should submit one of insurance proof(A~C) in the below options which covers the disease and accident in Korea to IAO

  • A. International student group insurance by Korean insurance company
  • B. Insurance from home country
  • C. Others cover the medical expense in Korea

4) Restrictions

  • No scholarship
  • No support of visa extension
  • Restrict the participation of program & support
  • Additional restrictions by International Affairs Office

5) Coverage of the international student group insurance (2019 plan)

Coverage of the international student group insurance (2019 plan)
Coverage Coverage limit
Accidental death and Disability 50,000,000 KRW 
Sickness death 50,000,000 KRW
Injury or Sickness Medical Reimbursement (Domestic, Inpatient) 30,000,000 KRW
Injury or Sickness Medical Reimbursement (Domestic, 0utpatient) 250,000 KRW
Injury or Sickness Medical Reimbursement (Domestic, Prescription) 50,000 KRW
Evacuation / Repatriation 10,000,000 KRW
Liability of Reparation
Deductible : 20,000won
10,000,000 KRW
[Nonpayment] Manipulation therapy/Extracorporeal shock wave therapy/Prolotherapy expenses(in Korea) 3,500,000 KRW
[Nonpayment] Injection expenses(in Korea) 2,500,000 KRW
. [Nonpayment] MRI/MRA expenses 3,000,000 KRW

6) How to apply for insurance claim(Meritz)


  • Korean / English : 02-776-8500 KAKAO ID : INSCLAIM
  • Chinese : 02-3481-2133 KAKAO ID: CLAIMS
  • Vietnamese : 070-4254-8501 KAKAO : INSVIETNAM