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Natural Science

HOME Academics Graduate Natural Science

The Department of Clothing & Textiles aims to cultivate professionals

and academic researchers who are in line with the cutting-edge textile fashion industry. In other words, it includes the development of human resources required by academia and industry by improving the problem-solving ability and convergent thinking ability in the whole process of planning, development, and distribution of apparel products through the textile and material stages.

The department is to cultivate future human resources for the 4th Industrial Revolution by covering consumer behavior research and analysis, fashion marketing strategy including research on the physicochemical properties of clothing materials and development of functional new materials, history and aesthetics of the Eastern and Western clothing, fashion culture and aesthetics, fashion design development and research, creative design using digital media, fashion culture and aesthetics, body analysis related to the clothing production process, CAD pattern development.

International Affairs : 82-55-213-2634
