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College of Humanities

HOME Academics Undergraduate College of Humanities

Established in 1981, the Department of History enjoys a rich history lasting over 30 years.

Unlike other departments where students study only one specific field of interest, this department teaches the entire history as a whole and further broadens their perspective of the subject. Students in lower level classes are able to learn the basics through interesting and helpful audio-visual courses while those in upper level classes can receive intensive learning through special lectures and specified fields of interest. Not only do students learn from lectures, but they are also exposed to various academic societies offered by the department. Through this, students will be able to acquire better human relationships. Through visitations of historical sites offered each semester, students will be able to gather more knowledge of the country's rich cultural heritage.

College of Humanities : 82-55-213-2303

grade Semester Course No. Course Title Credit Hour
Lecture Lab
1 1 MHA0092 Traditional Historiography of East Asia 2 2 0
1 2 MHA0009 Introduction to Western History 3 3 0
1 2 MHA0091 Understanding East Asian History through Chinese Characters 2 3 0
2 1 MHA0093 Reading of korea historical materials 3 3 0
2 1 MHA0088 History and Culture of Western Cities 3 3 0
2 1 MHA0004 Ancient Chinese History 3 3 0
2 1 MHA0001 Ancient History of Korea 3 3 0
2 1 MHA0007 Ancient and Medieval Western History 3 3 0
2 1 MHA0002 Topics in Korean History 3 3 0
2 2 MHA0074 Western Historical Documents and Audio-visual Material 3 3 0
2 2 MHA0086 People and Ideas in East Asian 3 3 0
2 2 MHA0011 History of Korean Thoughts 3 3 0
2 2 MHA0085 Historic Cities in East Asia 3 3 0
2 2 MHA0080 Cultural History of the Renaissance 3 3 0
2 2 MHA0010 Medieval History of Korea 3 3 0
2 2 MHA0013 Medieval Chinese History 3 3 0
2 2 MHA0012 Socio-Economic History of Korea 3 3 0
3 1 MHA0084 Understanding of Oriental Classics 2 2 0
3 1 MHA0079 Art and Historical Contents 3 3 0
3 1 MHA0070 Chosen Dynasty ; Its Society & Culture 3 3 0
3 1 MHA0021 Modern Western History 3 3 0
3 1 MHA0020 Modern Chinese History 3 3 0
3 2 MHA0026 Contemporary Chinese History 3 3 0
3 2 MHA0028 Contemporary Western History 3 3 0
3 2 MHA0017 Modern History of Korea 3 3 0
3 2 MHA0089 Colonialism and Global History 3 3 0
3 2 MHA0087 History of Exchange Relations in East Asia 3 3 0
3 2 MHA0072 Archeology 3 3 0
3 2 MHA0065 The Contemporary World and Korea 3 3 0
4 1 MHA0056 History and Culture of Gyeongnam Area 3 3 0
4 1 MHA0078 Korean History and Historian 3 3 0
4 1 MHA0082 History of women in East Asia 3 3 0
4 1 MHA0083 History of Everyday Life in East Asia 3 3 0
4 1 MHA0090 Figures and Thoughts of the Western World 3 3 0
4 2 MHA0036 Graduation Thesis 0 0 0
4 2 MHA0059 Museology 3 3 0