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대학이 미래를 이끕니다.
4차 산업혁명의 미래사회를 선도하는
창의융합 인재 양성의 교육모델을 선보입니다.

창의적인 연구교육으로
지역과 함께 세계를 향해 성장하는 대학

KTX 창원대역에서 내리면 바로 앞 창원대학교가 우리를 맞이합니다.
뛰어난 접근성을 확보한 창원대학교 정문에 들어서면 넓고 쾌적한, 아름다운 캠퍼스가 한 눈에 펼쳐집니다.
창원대 학생생활관은 BTL을 포함한 총7동의 현대식 기숙사동으로 신입생을 포함한 2천5백여명의 학생들이 쾌적한 거주형 캠퍼스 생활을 누릴 수 있는 환경을 제공해 줍니다.

창원대학교는 1969년 개교 이래 반세기가 넘는 역사동안 105만 창원시의 유일한 국립대학교로서 지역 시민들의 진정한 자긍심이 되는 대학으로 성장하였습니다.

국가 최대 산업단지인 창원시를 배후로 산학협력의 롤모델을 제시해온 창원대학교는 지역 우수기업과 공동연구 프로젝트로 대학의 경쟁력 강화에 힘써 왔습니다.

특히 전국 최초로 신설된 스마트제조융합전공은 KAIST수준의 최고의 교육비 지원과 국내 처음으로 학생전원 장학금 및 생활비 지급 그리고 해외명문대학 학점취득과 연수, 국내외 대기업 취업연계의 파격적인 혜택으로 국내최고의 글로벌스마트제조 융합전문가를 양성하게 될 것이며 교육부 지원 경상남도 지역혁신 플랫폼 사업에 선정되어 경남의 3개 핵심분야가 성장을 이루는데 중심 역할을 하게 될 것입니다.

이 밖에 주요 국책사업으로 스마트제조고급인력 양성사업, 대학혁신지원사업, 국립대학육성사업, 사회맞춤형 산학협력선도대학(LINC+) 사업, 산학협력 거점형 플랫폼(R&D) 사업, 고교교육 기여대학 지원사업, 4단계 BK21사업 선정 등 정부지원 국책사업을 대거 유치해 창원대 학생들의 교육 연구역량 강화와 글로벌 인재육성의 혜택을 누릴 수 있게 되었습니다.

창원대학교는 제8대 이호영 총장의 취임과 함께 새로운 시대를 준비하고 있습니다. 대한민국 기계산업의 메카인 창원국가산업단지의 고도화에 앞장서며 앞으로 도래할 4차 산업혁명 시대를 대비하여 ‘VISION 2030’ 추진하고 있습니다.

창원대학교는 창조적인 지식인을 육성하는 인문대학,
지역사회와 국제무대의 유능한 인재를 양성하는 사회과학대학,
창의성과 효율성을 갖춘 경제 경영전문인을 양성하는 경영대학,
과학한국의 미래 과학도를 육성하는 자연과학대학,
스마트 융합산업을 선도하는 산학협력 및 공학교육의 리더를 양성하는 공과대학,
국내 최고의 메카트로닉스 분야 융합형 인재를 양성하는 메카트로닉스대학,
예술적 재능을 갖춘 독창적 전문인을 육성하는 예술대학,
평생교육역량 강화로 지역기반 리더를 키우는 미래융합대학 등 8개의 단과대학으로 구성되어 있으며

기존의 단일전공이던 학사교육이 융합전공으로 바뀌고 개별로 존재했던 단과대가 하나의 연계대학으로 융합됨으로써 융복합 교육과 연구를 하게 됩니다.

4차 산업혁명 시대가 요구하는 창의적인 인재를 만들기 위해 학생들의 무한한 아이디어를 현실로 만드는 기회의 장을 제공하고 있습니다.

창원대학교는 학생들 스스로 진로를 설정하고 성공취업을 위한 개인 맞춤형의 경력을 쌓을 수 있는드림캐치와 이뤄드림 시스템을 운영하는 한편, 학생들의 창의적인 아이디어가 성공적인 창업으로 이어질 수 있도록 단계별 창업지원 프로그램을 구축하고 있습니다.

창원대학교는 지역을 넘어 세계로 뻗어나갈 글로벌 인재를 육성하고 있습니다.
현재 세계 32개국 190여개 대학과 국제교류협정을 맺어 해외 우수대학들과의 학술교류협력을 지속적으로 추진해 국제경쟁력 강화에도 앞장서고 있습니다.

또한 체계화된 언어교육과 수준 높은 국제감각의 글로벌 인재양성 원스톱 플랫폼을 구축하였습니다. 해외 주요도시와의 네트워크와 준비된 글로벌 인프라를 통해 세계무대에서 뛰어난 실무능력을 발휘할 창원대인 양성하고 있습니다.

창원대학교는 창원시가 스마트시티로 진화할 수 있도록 지역사회와의 동반성장에 앞장서고 있습니다.
보유한 다양한 장비를 창원시의 산업체, 대학, 연구소가 공동으로 활용할 수 있도록 연구개발을 상호지원하게 함으로써 지역발전과 함께 대학의 경쟁력을 강화시키고
총 10개의 대학 특화분야 협업센터를 통해 각 특화산업 분야 전문인력 양성, 산학공동연구 등을 통한 지자체 및 기업과의 협업체계도 구축하고 있습니다.

또한 예술대학의 수준높은 정기 오페라 공연을 비롯한 다양한 문화행사를 개최하여 지역문화예술 발전을 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

창원대학교는 대학교정 권역별 조경 조성사업을 통한 아름다운 캠퍼스 환경 만들기 등 친환경 그린 캠퍼스 조성에 힘쓰고 있습니다.
그 결과 정병산이 품고 있는 창원대 캠퍼스는 대학 구성원들은 물론 지역시민들을 위한 아름다운 힐링 공간으로 탄생했습니다.

인터뷰 자막) 창원대학교 총장 이호영
경남을 대표하는 국립대학교인 창원대학교는 창의적 연구와 교육으로 지역과 함께 세계를 향해 성장하고 있습니다.
창원대학교는 진리를 탐구하는 학문공동체로서 현재에 안주하지 않고 끊임없는 변화와 혁신의 노력을 통해 더 크게 도약하겠습니다.

지난 반세기 동안 ‘성실’ ‘진리’ ‘자유’ ‘창조’라는 교육 이념 아래, 변화와 혁신을 위해 끊임없이 달려온 국립 창원대학교.

이제, 4차 산업혁명 시대를 선도할 대학교육의 새로운 패러다임을 선보입니다.

창의적 연구와 교육으로 지역과 함께 세계를 향해 성장하는 국립 창원대학교가 미래 100년의 지평을 열겠습니다.


A university that reads the future.
We predict the numerous changes that the 4thIndustrial Revolution will bring,
and we will lead the changes and challenges for the new era.
A university that leads the future.
We present the education model for nurturing creative, convergent human resources to lead the future society of the 4thIndustrial Revolution.
A university that grows with the local community
to advance in the world through creative research and education – Changwon National University
Changwon National University is located right in front of KTX Changwon National University Station.
As you enter Changwon National University’s main gate,
you are welcomed by a spacious, pleasant and beautiful campus.
Changwon National University’s student dormitories consist of 7 modern building including BTL,
and provides a pleasant campus life for 2,500 students, including freshmen.
For over half a century since its establishment in 1969, Changwon National University has served as the only national university in Changwon, a city with a population of 1.05 million, and has grown into a university that serves as the pride of local citizens.
Presenting a role model of industrial-academic cooperation with Korea’s largest industrial complex in Changwon,
Changwon National University has focused on strengthening the university’s competitiveness through joint research projects with outstanding local corporations.
The Smart Manufacturing Convergence Major, which was established for the first time in Korea in Changwon National University , will provide top-notch educationalsupport equivalent to KAIST, scholarship and living expense support for all students, credit exchange and training opportunities at renowned overseas universities, and job placement at large corporations in Korea and overseas to nurture Korea’s best global smart manufacturing convergence experts.
Selected for Gyeongsangnamdo Regional Innovation Platform project supported by the Ministry of Education, Changwon National University will serve a central role in achieving growth of Gyeongnam’s 3 core areas.
By attracting other government-funded projects such association(incomplete sentence),
Advanced Manufacturing Human Resources Development Project for Smart Manufacturing, University Innovation Support Project, National University Development Project, and Leaders in Industry-university Cooperation program (LINC+), Industrial-academic Cooperation Platform (R&D) Project, Support Program for Universities Contributing to High School Education, and Stage 4 BK 21 Project,
Changwon National University is strengthening the research capabilities of its students and nurturing global human resources.
With the inauguration of the 8thPresident LeeHo-young, Changwon National University is preparing for a new era.
Leading the advancements of thr Changwon National Industrial Complex - the Mecca of Korea’s machinery industry - Changwon National University is promoting Vision 2030 to prepare for the upcoming 4thIndustrialRevolution.
Changwon National University consists of:
The College of Humanities, which nurtures creative intellects
The College of Social Sciences, which fosters talented human resources for the local community and the global arena,
The College of Economics & Business, which develops economy and management experts with creativity and efficiency,
The College of Natural Sciences, which nurtures scientists that will lead the future of Science in Korea,
The College of Engineering, which leads industrial-academic cooperation with smart convergence industries and produces leaders of engineering education,
The College of Mechatronics, which fosters Korea’s leading convergence human resources in the mechatronics field,
The College of Arts, which cultivates creative experts with artistic talent,
and The College of Future Convergence, which develops region-based leaders by strengthening lifelong education capabilities.
Previous single major curricula heve been restructured into convergence majors, and single major departments are integrated into convergence colleges for providing convergence education and research.
To nurture the creative human resources that the era of the 4thIndustrial Revolution demands,
we are providing a window of opportunity that turns students’ infinite ideas into reality.
Changwon National University operates the Dream Catch and Achieve Dream systems, which allow students to set their own career goals and build the tailored experience for successful employment,
It is also operating a multi-stage employment support program to ensure that the creative ideas of the students turn into successful new business ideas.
Changwon National University builds global human resources to present to the world.
By forming international exchange agreements with 190 universities in 32 countries, and continuously seeking academic exchange agreements with prominent overseas universities, Changwon National University is leading the way to strengthening students’ international competitiveness.
Changwon National University has established a systematic language training and one-stop platform for developing global human resources with an international perspective. Through a network that covers major international cities and well-prepared global infrastructure, Changwon National University is nurturing students with proven vocational performance for the global arena.
Changwon National University is also leading mutual growth with the local community to enable Changwon to become a smart city.
By sharing its equipment with businesses, universities and research labs within Changwon, Changwon National University is mutually supporting R&D, which results in local development and stronger competitiveness for the university.
Through collaboration centers in 10 specialized areas, it is collaborating with local government and industry by nurturing specialized human resources and conducting joint industrial-academic research.
The College of Arts hosts high-quality opera performances on a regular basis and various cultural events to improve culture and arts in the region.
Changwon National University is also focusing on creating an eco-friendly green campus through the beautiful campus building project with the help of the college campus landscaping support program.
As a result, Changwon National University, which is situated at the foot of Mt. Jeongbyeongsan, has become a beautiful place of healing for the students and local residents.
Over the past half a century,
Changwon National University has been committed to changes and innovation
under the educational ideology of ‘diligence’, ‘truth’, ‘freedom’, and ‘creativity’.
And now, it is presenting a new paradigm of university education for leading the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Through creative research and education, Changwon National University will grow with the local community and advance in the world, opening a new horizon for the upcoming 100 years.
A university that reads the future.
We predict the numerous changes that the 4thIndustrialRevolutionwillbring,
and lead the changes and challenges for the new era.
A university that leads the future.
We present the education model for nurturing creative, convergence
human resources to lead the future society of the 4thIndustrial Revolution.
A university that grows with the local community
to advance in the world through creative research and education
KTX Changwon National University Station
A spacious, pleasant and beautiful campus
Dorm 1 / Dorm 2 / Dorm 3 / Dorm 4 / BTL Dorm 5 / BTL Dorm 6 / BTL Dorm 7
Changwon National University Dormitories
7 modern dormitories including BTL
Provides pleasant campus life for 2,500 students including freshmen
The only national university in Changwon, a city with a population of 1.05 million
A university that serves as the pride of local citizens!
Preparing for a New Era
Develop and conduct joint research projects with outstanding local corporations
Strengthen the university’s competitiveness
Korea’s first Government-assigned Major
Smart Manufacturing Convergence Major
Top-notch educationalsupport equivalent to KAIST
Scholarship, living expense support(500,000 KRW) and free dormitory residence for all students

Credit exchange and training opportunities at renowned overseas universities
Job placement at large corporations in Korea and overseas
Nurture Korea’s best global smart manufacturing convergence experts
Selected for Gyeongsangnamdo Regional Innovation Platform project supported by the Ministry of Education
Serve a central role in achieving the growth of Gyeongnam’s 3 core areas
Advanced Manufacturing Human Resources Development Project for Smart Manufacturing, University Innovation Support Project,
National University Development Project, Leaders in Industry-university Cooperation program (LINC+), Industrial-academic Cooperation Platform Project,
Support Program for Universities Contributing to High School Education, Stage 4 BK 21 Project
Inauguration of the 8thPresident LeeHo-young of Changwon National University
Mecca of Korea’s machinery industry
Leading the advancements of the Changwon National Industrial Complex
Declaration of Changwon National University Vision 2030
The College of Humanities nurtures creative intellects
The College of Social Sciences fosters talented human resources for the local community and the global arena
The College of Economics & Business develops expert economy and management experts with creativity and efficiency
The College of Natural Sciences cultivates scientists that will lead the future of Science in Korea
The College of Engineering leads industrial-academic cooperation with smart convergence industries and nurtures the leaders of engineering education
The College of Mechatronics develops Korea’s leading convergence human resources in the mechatronics field
The College of Future Convergence fosters region-based leaders by strengthening lifelong education capabilities
Single major/ Convergence major/ Single major department / Integrated into convergence college / Convergence education and research/ Maker Basecamp, Remote Lecture System, E-Classroom, etc.
Providing a window of opportunity that turns students’ infinite ideas into reality
Achieving my dreams with systematic support
Dream Catch and Achieve Dream systems allow students to set their own career goals and build a tailored experience
multi-stage employment support program to ensure that the creative ideas
of students turn into successful new business ideas
International exchange agreements with 190 universities in 32 countries
A systematic language training and one-stop platform
for nurturing global human resources with an international perspective
Network that covers major international cities
Well-prepared global infrastructure, /Growing with the local community /Joint Equipment Utilization Center
Mutually supporting R&D by sharing its equipment with businesses, universities and research labs within Changwon
Nurturing specialized human resources and conducting joint industrial-academic research through collaboration centers in 10 specialized areas
Collaborating with local government and industry through joint industrial-academic research
The College of Arts hosts high-quality opera performances on a regular basis
A beautiful campus building project with the help of the college campus landscaping support program
Create an eco-friendly green campus
A beautiful place of healing for the students and local residents
Lee Ho-young, President of Changwon National University
As a national university that represents Gyeongnam, Changwon National University is growing with the local community to advance in the world through creative research and education.
As an academic community that pursues the truth, Changwon National University will not be complacent about the status quo and will continue to soar to greater heights through changes and innovation.
Committed to changes and innovation under
the educational ideology of ‘diligence’, ‘truth’, ‘freedom’, and ‘creativity’ - Changwon National University
A new paradigm of university education for leading the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution
Changwon National University will open a new horizon for the upcoming 100 years
  • 담당부서 : 기획평가과
  • 전화 : 055-213-2603
  • 업데이트 : 2021/03/24

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